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What We Know about a Potential “Parole in Place” Program

Posted by Anya Lear | May 20, 2024

Recent news stories (Wall Street JournalReuters) have reported that the Biden Administration is weighing potential executive actions that could provide temporary legal status and work permits to undocumented immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens. If implemented, a new “Parole in Place” could provide work permits and deportation protection for eligible spouses of U.S. citizens. However, as of now, there has NOT been any official plan, program or eligibility requirements announced. Please beware of notarios and others making false promises you can apply for any “Parole in Place” or similar program at this time.

To stay informed on the parole in place proposal, the following organizations can be of help: American Families United

American Immigration Lawyers Association

American Business Immigration Coalition

About the Author

Anya Lear

My passion for immigration law is rooted in my own story. I was born and raised in Moscow, Russia, and came to the United States to attend college. As my own immigration path to become a U.S. citizen was not always straightforward, I am well familiar with immigration struggles. I personally exper...
